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 Login: GUEST

GM7HUD > STEREO   04.01.03 22:44l 26 Lines 1078 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 290613GM7HUD
Sent: 030104/1813z 39034@GB7ESX.#31.GBR.EU $:290613GM7HUD [Witham, Esx]NNA V3.1

> At one time multipath was a problem but it has since been overcome by 
> improved antenna design along with moving the transmitters to more 
> favorable sites in many cases

It's always going to be a problem for someone. Moreso, if the problem "has
since been overcome" there wouldn't be quite so much effort in trying to
minimise it.

> Motorola) will successfully lobby for an inferior system and get it to 
> their advantage and our detriment.

Once more Warren, you don't seem to understand what has been said. Either
this is because you don't make an effort or because you don't want to
understand. The Motorola system mentioned is for receivers only. It is to
minimise the effects of multipath at the receiver, and requires no changes
to the TX side. So it is completely compatible with the existing FM
multiplex stereo system.

No politics involved, just a  method to reduce the problems you say dont
exists. Who's likely to be right, Warren or Motorola....oh, ah, it's a
difficult one but I guess I'll place my bets on Motorola I think this

73 de Andy GM7HUD

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