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 Login: GUEST

G0FTD  > USA      15.06.05 20:04l 75 Lines 2841 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 720822G0FTD
Subj: Are Americans embarassed by..?
Sent: 050615/1928Z @:GB7SXE.#38.GBR.EU #:33149 [Hastings] FBB7.00i $:720822G0FT
To  : USA@WW

I wonder if American's are embarassed by some of their short wave 
broadcasters ?

Today I have been "entertained" by several American shortwave broadcasters
and I had great difficulty wondering WTF they were talking about.

For a start why do American phone in's always consist of nothing but
loonies talking about abortion ? 

And then there are the adverts - ho ho ho!

Something called "Dare to Prepare" seems to be doing the rounds at the 
moment. It "informs" it's audience that *plague*, nuclear war and natural
disaster is not a case of *if* but instead *when*.

The advert then goes on to offer a 365 day "Food Insurance" guaranteeing
you a food supply in the event of any *apocalypse* (yes they DO use that
term!) as well as a cheap supply of short wave radio recievers.

Whatever these guys are smoking I want some ;-)

(Pssssst - wanna buy some cheap [Russian] bear skins to keep you warm
in the event of a nuclear winter ?)

Anyone listening to the cranky broadcasters would assume that Americans
are bonkers ! Thankfully after 1000's of ragchews on 20m I can assure  
everyone that Americans are in fact quite normal ;-)

And to redress the balance the Russian mouthpiece "Voice of Russia"
is a bit of a joke too.

Now look - I'm old school, I grew up with short-wave filled with
propaganda from every side when I was in my diapers and I remember it

But VOR (aka Radio Moscow) has hardly changed it's tune.

It still keeps mentioning how grateful it was with western allies in the
defeat of fascism (it use the f-word a heck of a lot) but still has a
few jibes towards the USA albeit in a reduced form compared to many
years ago.

And then there is China Radio International (also known as a bunch of 
scumbags called Radio Peking who used to jam *our* 40m amateur bands
with their trash programmes).

Anyone listening to CRI would think they are a glowing example of 
capitalism. Is this to appease western governements ?

I had to laugh when I was reading the UK magazine "Short Wave Magazine"
and the story about how union workers based in China's "Uniden Electronic
Products" (a Japanese owned corporation) went on strike and their leaders 
disappaered into jail cells ;-)

And who said short wave radio wasn't about propaganda ?

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