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GM1JWC > WEIRDO   26.07.09 12:02l 55 Lines 2680 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 567_VK2TV
Subj: waiter
Sent: 090726/1151Z @:VK2TV.#MNC.NSW.AUS.OC #:567 [Kempsey, QF68JX] $:567_VK2TV

it's a WAITING game? .. tell me, IT IS?

THEN! they ALL come at me, at once, - yearning I was; then all got
jammed fast, into my doorway, yelling, terrifying this native?  What
have I done? There's surely no law against having a wee chat, even if it
means talking to myself - for one blissful moment I thought it might be
SHE!s relations come for a meal?  Or Daughter getting wind of my remark,
on that loaned DVD, of 'mine' that still hides in her cupboard?  Even
Ray, almost got around to assuring me, that this side of Aussie was in
their quiet season .. YEH?

The Masai Mara compares; as a quiet retreat, 'you won't need the spear,
we call it assegai' - I call it, reassurance?  Perhaps we could make a
renewed start, that won't frighten the life out of me?  For long and
weary, I could barely get a word out of Australia - could be, they've
gone walkabout, given the dog a stretch of the legs?  Then I got
alarmed; maybe they were waiting on me, to give the opener greeting -
it's only polite to use the customs of the host after all?  ...........
That was 2 months ago .. they must take time, to consider a suitable

Wazzoo never got around to telling me the opener ...---...!  Woman next
door had the Polis at her door, a reported drowning in somebody's bird
bath?  It's too shallow for a drowning; only comes up to their knees. 
Let bygones stay bygones. I'm not one to harbour grudges, and Cudlip my
lodger who is well versed in the Aussie lingo, he keeps me right in the
ways and means of the retrenched amateurs of the opal community. 
Sharing the attic with the bats who came in, and our Law forbids any to
interfere with them - the bats and Cudlip both squeak, highly
entertaining, and company for each other.

Am I to understand that there is a Haggii Conservation body in the NE? 
I have good news for you - you will be aware of the Ailsa Craig refuge
for sea birds? There is also a containment of Wild Haggii breeding stock
on the island, that are hale and healthy - and will be in a position to
refresh from wild stock, where inhand has possibly gone, off colour? 
The wild stock is pure with mottled mid-grey roundels, and their rugged
patina that gives them cover when seeking for food and shelter.  This
herd was formerly of the Gairloch area, but it was creating a road
hazard, by passing motorists who were parking along the adjoining dyke,
and creating the hazard.  Now removed to the reserve, of Ailsa Craig. 
Cameras are being set up for Visitor viewing - without disturbing the
breeding stock.  (Haggii Scotticus)

Conservator;  weird mullins, Esq. 
Translator ;  Cudlip in Residence.

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