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KB2VXA > WEIRDO   26.07.09 16:01l 54 Lines 2653 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 569_VK2TV
Subj: Re: GM1JWC > waiter
Sent: 090726/1557Z @:VK2TV.#MNC.NSW.AUS.OC #:569 [Kempsey, QF68JX] $:569_VK2TV

Greetings to Mullins, Cudlip, et al,

By "waiter" do you mean we who wait for you or perhaps a server at the 
Outback steak house? I asked the latter why they don't serve rooburgers 
and he told me because in the Outback they eat greenies. I'm still trying 
to figure out why they eat something that once came out of my nose, after 
that I didn't have the courage to ask again, lost my appetite too so I 
had a beer and left... could be right.

Not having a Masai spear with which to hunt the wild haggis up in 
Canuckia I must brave the hippo herds, oh woe is me! Being Sunday in the 
midst of terrorist season I dare not approach the water hole for fear of 
being trampled by the Thompson gazelles in their speeding metal shells 
(Jersey, not Africa... remember?) cuz I don't have a Thompson gun. Insted 
since it's hot as Africa or the proverbial hinges of hell if you prefer 
I'm in Dracula mode, I'll leave it to Pete to chase the haggis around the 

Oh, and I must have missed the Policia but I did see the bird lady this 
morning with this green feathered thing sitting on her shoulder. One of 
these days I expect to see her sailing out the inlet flying the skull and 
crossbones and her companion screeching "Pieces of eight, AWWWWK!"

Oh I can well imagine Cudlip and the bats squeaking at each other but why 
the attic when every weirdo should have bats in the belfrey? You're 
supposed to have toys in the attic, not bats, but then I just happen to 
know someone who has frogs and a few spiders. Wait 'till he returns from 
holiday, that's when the fun begins... IF he ever manages to get his wind 
pack working right and I don't mean bagpipes. Never mind his organ, 
that's yet another problem...........
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73 de Warren

Station powered by JCP&L atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.

Message timed by NIST: 15:57 on 2009-Jul-26 GMT

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