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VK2ZRG > WINDOZ   11.09.05 23:13l 43 Lines 1734 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 1371_VK2ZRG
Subj: Re: 24 hour time setting?
Sent: 050911/0953Z @:VK2WI.#SYD.NSW.AUS.OC #:11580 [SYDNEY] FBB7 $:1371_VK2ZRG

VK2ZRG/TPK 1.83d Msg #:1371  Date:11-09-05  Time:10:48Z

Many thanks to all who replied to my query re 24 hour time in windoze. The
two capital H did the trick. I suppose that if the windoze help had worked
when I clicked on it, I wouldn't have needed to ask the question. 

  Just goes to show how useful packet radio is. 

I'm not exactly sure what version of windoze I have. There is some sort of a
logo that flashes on and off when it boots up, but it's a bit too fast to see
what it is. It reports as DOS 8.0 with funct 30h of DOS 21h INT, so it's
either W-2k or W-me. Anyway, I don't use windoze for anything more than to
try out my DOS programmes, so I don't care what version it is.
 Good old IBM DOS 6 is much more reliable and stable.

Now here is another little question re windoze. Is there any way to make
text editors like notepad to display ASCII characters > #128 properly? 

E.g. #234 ê is the ohms symbol. This comes out as a ˆ (ASCII 136) in all
versions of windoze that I've tried. ˆ (ASCII 136) comes out as a small black
square which could be #220 but is probably some crazy windoze symbol.

Andy GM7HUD wrote re another subject...

>Please learn than when dealing with Microsoft, standards mean nothing.
>There are two ways to do things in the Microsoft world, their way and
>the wrong way :-)

Couldn't agree more Andy. They sure have a knack of doing things differently
from anyone else. Maybe the A in ASCII stands for Austria or Afghanistan or
somewhere else. Surely, It couldn't be American could it???

73s from Ralph VK2ZRG@VK2WI.#SYD.NSW.AUS.OC

 Taglines Version 1.00, by Colin Coker G4FCN

C Program run, C Program Crash...ReWrite in Pascal!

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