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KB2VXA > EVENT    24.08.12 14:34l 69 Lines 3770 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 24038_VK6ZRT
Subj: Re: VE3WBZ > 1812, etc.
Sent: 120824/1422Z @:VK6ZRT.#BUN.#WA.AUS.OC #:24038 [Boyanup] $:24038_VK6ZRT

Hi Pete and all,

I don't know why you compared a special event station to a net when 
they're miles apart, nets bear no comparison to anything else IMO. I 
listened occasionally and only participated in one from time to time, a 
swap net on a local repeater. The rest left me cold, after a few 
check-ins and roll call with each station declaring "no traffic" the nets 
closed and that was that... duh? One on 20M I found amusing, a DX net 
that was like shooting fish in a barrel and the net control in Florida 
yelling so loud he could be heard in Maine without a radio. I even drew a 
cartoon depicting a DX hound chasing a DX chicken, yeah, it was like that.

For some reason history in school skipped over 1812 except for the Battle 
of New Orleans and THAT was probably the only interesting one anyway. 
Then there was the Johnny Horton song that didn't mention Jean Le 
Stinkfeet, a privateer and gun runner who saved the day for old Andy 
Jackson. I guess that's what made it interesting, skulduugery usually is.

Yes, Ghandi was a very unusual man and terribly misunderstood until 
decades later. I remember watching cartoons Saturday morning on TV 
depicting him as a buffoon, very unfortunate. An amazing parallel was Dr. 
Martin Luther King and his way of peace when Panther violence (burn baby 
burn) went on all around him. That set him apart and made him one of the 
men in history I admire most! Like Ghandi he didn't live to see his dream 
become reality but the fact that it did made all the difference in the 
world. He was such an orator, that moving speech was made up on the spot, 
no script writer could have done better.

Viet Nam never saw protests? Where were you when the lights went out? Eh, 
two events mixed but it saves some nasty sarcasm you don't deserve but 
I'll say this, for me they were highly emotionally charged times and 
Civil Rights violence only added to my anger and confusion... WHY???

"HE got away with murder!"
I had no idea what you were talking about until I looked it up, when I 
read the complete story I was thinking O. J. would be a better choice. In 
Bryant's case "murder" doesn't apply at all, if anything it would be 
(formally) negligent manslaughter or careless indifference to human life. 
The cyclist was drunk as a skunk, well over the legal limit and making a 
royal pain of himself, Bryant happened along at the wrong time and their 
paths met. His big mistake was panic, as a result his was a classic scene 
out of a Hollywood movie as he attempted to swat this drunken gecko off 
his car. To make a long story short, that's what resulted in death which 
was NOT Mr. Bryant's intention so murder does not apply at all. That's 
why charges were dropped, there could be no successful procecution at the 
criminal level, in Civil Court it would be another matter entirely as 
negligence was at the heart of it. Oh, about the only thing having money 
had to do with it was a defense lawyer's remark about him being released 
on ROR before the trial when the average person would have been held over 
for a bail hearing "unshaven and desheveled". I wouldn't expect him to be 
any more popular than the Jew who ran over a Black kid and the event 
started a riot in Crown Heights, Brooklyn.

One last thing, both cases were tried in the press and social media which 
prejudiced them when they got to court. Now if you ask my opinion or if 
you don't I'll give it to you anyway (;->) I think they got a raw deal 
even if they weren't conviced, after being dragged through the mud no 
washing can make them clean again.

73 de Warren

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Message timed by NIST: 14:03 on 2012-Aug-24 GMT

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