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G0TEZ  > EVENT    24.08.12 17:17l 90 Lines 3795 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 4B0085G0TEZ
Subj: War of Independece.
Sent: 120824/1658Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EU #:56239 [Caterham Surrey GBR] $:4B0085G0

I like bot Pete and Warren's version of the American War of Independence
(not US it didn't exist yet.)

During that war Britain and other European countries were preparing to
fight the Frence in the up N coming revolution.

In Americ, about half the population was quite happy to stay subjects of
King Gearge III, so they either fought on the side of the British or
emigrated north to what was to be Canada.

By 1812 when The Monarchies in Europe were finally defeating napoleaon,
The Americans decided to attack the former Americans, mainly in Northern
Ontario. The trouble there was largely that the Americans were ill led and
insisted on raoing and oillaging the farmers in Canada who were not happy
and decided to unite against the Americans (wpouldn't you?) whom they
eventually beat quite soundly so the Americans decided to remain in the
south and, apart from the later attack on the Federal States of America
which they won, making the whole thing a Union, hence United States.

Meanwhile, after Napoleon and a couple of would be kings, Louis 17th and
18th, the French finally became a full fledged republic with a president.

Later they tried to impose their new measurements,metres and kilogrammes
on to the rest of the world along with making paris the Prime Meridian
UTC, which is why I always sign wit GMT as we invented it and an accurate
way of measuring logitude.

History os pften told in a very simplistic way e.g. I would imagine that
the US version of the War of Independence leaves out the British
sympathisers, and the French who fought on their side along with many
Indian tribes. NB the Redskins prnunciation of the French word 'Anglais'
came out as 'Yankee' so the french even affected the Yanks.

Our English history is quite sympathetic to the American version. It
starts in schools with the Boston Tea Party, Paul; Revere's ride etc; then
goes on to how some famous general, I forget his name, beat the French in
Quebec and made the whole of Canada an English province, something the
French have never come to terms with,

I expect that French school history is a lot different, but it is all
history, or should be.

> To  : EVENT@WW
> Hi Pete and all,
> I thought "event" meant a special event station... oh well. The US 
> declaired war on Britain? I suppose you would too if they invaded Canada, 
> burnt Ottowa to the ground and attempted to take back the colonies. Of 
> course everybody has a different POV depending on which war it was in 
> 1812 but from a south of the border perspective it was the second War of 
> Independence. Naturally the celebration is of the Declaration 4 July 1776 
> but it took many years to convince them, the British are tough and don't 
> give up money trees easily. It took Ghandi to convince them to buy their 
> national drink but on the other hand Americans don't like to go hungry.
> I wouldn't say it was THE most unpopular war, on the contrary. When 
> you're fighting for your homeland the last thing on your mind is an 
> anti-war protest with signs, you protest with bullets. I can't make a 
> fair comparison, only relate what I've been through so when it comes to 
> most unpopular my vote is for Viet Nam.
> Pardon me for chuckling, Mr. Parish knew darn well words mean nothing. He 
> BRIBED the government, BOUGHT the government and it's not a matter of 
> timing, the government is ALWAYS for sale. The military industrial 
> complex is older than you think.
> Now here's a song for you to sing, written for Cyndi Lauper Money Changes 
> Everything.
> 73 de Warren

END quote.

73 - Ian, G0TEZ @ GB7CIP

Message timed: 17:50 on 2012-Aug-24 Greenwich Mean Time +1
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